Our Private Training program focuses on instilling an exemplary work ethic into our players, while developing them technically, tactically and physically, through sessions specifically tailored to them.
This program is more than just simply getting a player to kick the ball and hope they improve. It is about getting to know them. About understanding them. And about getting the potential that lies within them, out of them.
So that they can begin to shine.
Built for the individual player - whether they are new to the sport or already at the elite level. Our 1on1 training program is designed to take every player to the next level.
We believe in our program so much that if you don't like it, we will give 100% of your money back after the first session.
Watch the video below to learn more about our 1on1 program, told to you by one of our many success stories, Teddy:
NOTE: We offer different prices for one-off sessions and term lock-ins (weekly sessions for full term).
Semi-Private and Small Groups
Our semi-private and small group sessions, like all of our other programs, follow the principles of our footballing philosophy and provide a great opportunity for players to develop in a fun and intense environment.
We offer training from 2-on-1s all the way up to groups with 8 players, with the price varying depending on the number of players per session.
We are sure you'll love them, so we offer a 100% money back guarantee after the first session if the players don't like it.